Howzat for an Enscite-ful event!

15th June 2023


Earlier this month, Acres Engineering representatives had an “all-rounder” great time at the Enscite Celebration Event.

Enscite is a partnership between the University of Derby and Aston University. Whilst, being financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); the programme offered funding and support to SMEs in the Rail, Aerospace and Automotive supply chain since 2014. Building a relationship with Enscite increased the availability of knowledge, expertise and resources.

However, as we see the good innings draw to a close in June this year; Enscite invited those who’ve contributed over the last 9 years to their Celebration Event.

Hosted at The Incora County Ground, the event created the opportunity to meet with familiar faces and build new networks over a delicious lunch.

Enscite Celebration Event food table Lunch servings Enscite Celebration Event networking

It was insightful to hear how Enscite positively impacted the growth of other businesses. Providing support through online learning and workshops from B2B Marketing to Financial Management and Planning. Mark Goldby gave an incredible presentation, explaining the benefits of The East Midlands Manufacturing Network and Enterprising Women Group.

Enscite Celebration Event presentation Enscite Celebration Event Mark Goldby

Building a relationship with Enscite increased the availability of knowledge, expertise and resources, helping our business to make operational improvements. The online learning programmes improved the skills and knowledge of our Apprentices and facilitated their progress towards completing their OTJ Training Hours. Enscite proved collaboration is key to ensure there are no “boundaries” to success.

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