Wheels To Work
A pleasure to meet Beverly Parker, the CEO of RAD, and exciting to hear about the Wheels To Work scheme.
It was great to great to meet Beverly Parker the CEO of Rural Action Derbyshire on Tuesday and inspiring to hear about the fantastic work they are doing to assist people living in rural areas.
Rural Action Derbyshire
RAD is an independent registered charity that focuses on improving the lives of those living and working in Derbyshire. Living in a rural area, though beautiful at times, can be a challenge when it comes to specialised services and as a result many rural areas are deprived of convenient transport links which makes it a real complication at times for those commuting to work. Rural Action Derbyshire provides services such as Wheels to Work, a scheme that helps people get to work, training or college, to bridge this gap.
You can find out more about Rural Action Derbyshire at the website here:
Wheels To Work
At Acres Engineering, we are socially conscious and Wheels To Work is a great example of how we can support those in our local community and workplace.
Wheels To Work is a service that provides transport to those in rural areas without the ability to easily commute to work, training or college. The transport provided could be via an electric bike, moped and public transport. As we are based in Melbourne, this scheme could positively benefit our new starters and apprentices journey to and from work, increasing the potential for work opportunities to our surrounding areas.
You can find out more about the Wheels To Work scheme at the website here: