Acres Engineering attended the MAA AGM
Midlands Aerospace Alliance AGM
Acres Engineering attended the MAA AGM
The Midlands Aerospace Alliance was formed in 2003 to support and represent the aerospace industry across the Midlands region.
The MAA works closely with the UK’s other regional aerospace alliances and the national body ADS, as well as other European and world-wide aerospace clusters.
More than 300 organisations belong to the MAA. Ranging from global players Meggitt, Moog Aircraft Group, Rolls-Royce and Collins Aerospace, to small supply chain companies and key regional partner bodies.
Half of the MAA’s 300+ members make sophisticated “flying parts” focusing solely on the aerospace industry.
The other half, make expert equipment for design, testing and manufacturing, or supply specialist services. This is the area in which Acres are positioned.
At the event, Director Luke Parker was delighted to catch up with one of our clients.
MAA brings these companies together, providing the perfect opportunity to build new and existing relationships.
At Acres, this is something we strive to achieve. Ensuring we offer not just a one-off solution, but a partnership for life.