Leading in Challenging Times – Acres’ MD Luke Parker to speak on expert panel
23rd June 2020
A busy week beckons here at Acres HQ, as we continue to roll-out our safety solutions for the pub industry, whilst Luke is going back to the (virtual) classroom.
You may recall our safety screens installation at The Brunswick Inn on Railway Terrace in Derby, not too far away from our base here in Melbourne?
Well, since then we’ve begun working with a huge range of venues across the country as we help them all get ready to safely serve their thirsty customers once lock down is lifted. Our team are busy dispatching safety products throughout the UK.
Despite the disruption, it has been a busy few months and we’ve tried to show a level of leadership where possible, as well as boosting that key sense of community where we can. So we were delighted when Derby University got in touch to see if Luke Parker, our MD, would like to join a panel discussion ‘Leading in Challenging Times’.
Luke is a former student at the university, having studied there at a wide range of levels, from foundational to undergraduate and on to Masters level. As such, he is looking forward to heading back to the classroom to share some examples of how we as a business have adapted during the COVID-19 crisis and to hearing from a range of other panellists including representatives from Rolls Royce.
You can find out more about the event HERE and stay tuned for Luke’s key insights next week.
Acres Engineering supply bar top dividers to popular city pub.